What If — What Then?

I’m taking a chance this Friday morning — a chance that I will totally miss the target — that’s bittersweet to me. Sweet perhaps, that all readers at this screen are Believers.  That being true, what good are my what ifs? Bitter, that my circle is so small I sit here not reaching the unbeliever with the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST.

What if you are right and The Bible is a fraud?
What if you are right and there is no heaven and no hell?
What if you are right and JESUS is just a man in history and not the God of Life?
What if you’re wrong?

What if I have believed the Bible in vain?
What if I have counted on Heaven and it is not?
What if I have confessed JESUS as LORD and He isn’t?
Even so, in this life I’ve slept peacefully and seen happy days.

When we are both dead will I be any more dead than you?

How is it that your hangover headache and unsteady gait gets you a life of the party badge but a glad countenance giving praise to her Creator nets  a Christian a dunce cap?
Why is that you are lauded for pushing and shoving your religion of no religion and I am demonized for offering life and hope and peace that never ends?
How is that your sniffing and snorting, flaunting and carousing, lusting and leaving and more deviate things than I will say, why is that exalted while my opposite choices  are  ridiculed and argued in the courts?
How does my living by His Commands, harm you?
And do you really not see your refusal to so live, harms you and those around you?

And if you are killing yourself with riotous living, why is it bad that I care?
Would you rather I say go ahead live like hell before you get there?

Does it offend you that I assert there is a hell?
If it’s a myth as you say, what harm have I caused you?
But what if it’s not a myth? What if it is, and it really is a burning toxic sulphur surrounded by a dark that is  darker than the darkest dark you’ve ever experienced and more lonely than your loneliest loneliness, and it’s forever? What then?

What do I lose in this life believing there’s a heaven, if what you say is true – that when you’re dead you’re just dead?
What do you lose in eternity, continuing here to believe like you say you do?

What if I’m right and The Bible is true?
What if both heaven and hell really are?
What if JESUS is the God and Savior of Life?



What if when you die you are not really dead?

What then?

Blessed to bless,


I know whom I have believed —  You Tube

ABBA, I haven’t a clue what You can do with this but I invite You to do as You will in JESUS Name. Amen and amen.

Your comments are welcomed and appreciated.

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