Missing Tears

Why are people immune to HOLY SPIRIT?
I mean it is His job (John 16:8) to convict (convince) people of sin, of Righteousness and Judgment to come.
I mean that is one of the major reasons He is here; can you imagine GOD not doing His job?
Me either. So what is hindering? What could be hindering people from receiving deliverance from sin to forgiveness and LIFE?

Why am I thinking this way?

Sunday the Minister preached a Bible Message – a real Bible Message from Mark 14, starting at verse 32. He brought it home.
There were lots of people there.
Let’s be honest here when lots of people gather even at a preaching service, lots are lost. They may be church members but by the lives they live Monday through Saturday the evidence of salvation is woefully lacking. I’ve heard staggering numbers, although at the moment I can’t put my fingers on them, that as many as 80% of church members are not saved.

Why do people remain lost, when the REAL Gospel is preached?
Why do people in pews sit unmoved — like this very past Sunday?

I think I know one of the reasons.
I cried over them on Sunday but . . . even then I knew my tears were too few.

Too few I fear are the tears of the really saved for the really lost.

1 Thessalonians 5:14-22

19Ā Quench not the Spirit.
(KJV 1 Thessalonians 5)

Holy Hugs with Prayer,Ā 

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