Without ~ ~ ~

A Biblical Doctrine.
Why is it important that we practice it?

To know ourselves better. To learn in CHRIST we are stronger and braver than we think we are; to learn GOD is even more able and willing than we thought He was.
What born from above person would not want this, right?

What to fast?
Something dear, something needed, something that will stretch our flesh to do without it.  Perhaps something we cannot do without, without HOLY SPIRIT help.

The Bible tells us JESUS fasted food for 40 days. Matthew 4: 1-11.

So, how long should we fast?
Short answer – till the job is done.
Till we learn something, till we have reached that moment we know we did good for Father’s Kingdom and our own well-being.

Fasting. It’s a GOD-thing and it’s good for us.  fasting

Enough said?

Holy Hugs, Kathie

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