A Guest Today


Those of you who only have access to email and not to the internet I have gone to the internet and have copied and am pasting here for you from THE POINT. Leah Adams is the author. She is a writer and speaker I discovered online and enjoy her writings very much.

A Personal Walk Through the Old Testament

As this world seemingly spins out of control, sometimes I need to be reminded who I am and what I have been given in Christ. This week a woman was abducted in our small, Mayberry-esque town and it has brought much anxiety and unrest to so many, myself included. Although I do not know the woman, my heart has been aching for her and her family. At times of great uncertainty like this, I need desperately to be reminded of who I am in Christ and what He has done for me, if only I will abide in Him. Here is what the Lord has given me from the Old Testament.

  • In Genesis, I am a friend of God
  • In Exodus, I am the moaning, complaining child whom God loved enough
  • to rescue from death and hell
  • In Leviticus, I am the recipient of all Christ did to fulfill each Jewish feast
  • In Numbers, I am the one God loved even as I wandered in the wilderness of my own sin.
  • In Deuteronomy, I am seeking to love the Lord my God with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my strength.
  • In Joshua, I am learning to be strong and very courageous because He will never leave me or forsake me.
  • In Judges, I am reminded of God’s power and covenant mercy toward me in my times of great sin.
  • In Ruth, I am redeemed by my kinsman-redeemer, Jesus Christ.
  • In 1 and 2 Samuel, I am waiting to hear the voice of the Lord guide me so that I can be obedient.
  • In 1 and 2 Kings, I learn the cost of disobedience and idolatry and resolve to not walk in that direction.
  • In 1 and 2 Chronicles, I am reminded that I am significant in God’s plan.
  • In Ezra, God reminds me that He always keeps His promises.
  • In Nehemiah, I am reminded that is the restorer of dreams and hearts.
  • In Esther, I find that God is always in the details. Always!
  • In Job, God teaches us that He alone is in control and He alone is trustworthy.
  • In Psalms, God supplies comfort and encouragement to me when I seek it.
  • In Proverbs, I am urged to be wise and seek wisdom.
  • In Ecclesiastes, God tells me there is a time for everything.
  • In Song of Songs, I learn that He is the lover of my soul.
  • In Isaiah, I am called to walk in holiness.
  • In Jeremiah, God reminds me to weep for the nations and those who do not know Christ.
  • In Lamentations, I weep for those who died without Christ.
  • In Ezekiel, I am reminded that the end of time is hastening near.
  • In Daniel, I am encouraged to stand strong in the lion’s den and the fiery furnace.
  • In Hosea, I am the one He chose regardless of my rebellion.
  • In Joel, He pours out His Holy Spirit on me to help me walk in my calling.
  • In Amos, He calls me to avoid a famine of hearing the word of the Lord.
  • In Obadiah, He reminds me that His judgment on the nations will occur.
  • In Jonah, I am reminded that fishing for souls beats becoming food for fish.
  • In Micah, He requires me to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him.
  • In Nahum, I am reminded that He will have His way.
  • In Habakkuk, He tells me to watch the work that He is working in our day.
  • In Zephaniah, He rejoices over me with singing.
  • In Haggai, I am urged to consider my ways.
  • In Zechariah, He reminds me that it is not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit!
  • In Malachi, I am encouraged to bring the tithes to Him and watch Him pour out blessings immeasurable.

And that is just from the Old Testament…. Later in the week we will walk through the New Testament and hear what He has to tell us.

Rest in Who He is and What He has done for you!!

Praise Reports and Prayer Requests

Father, You are everything to me, even when I don’t act like it. I pray we IDOKs will today come closer to breathing, thinking, talking, walking You out in us as our everything. You know the name, the face and the circumstance of every name written here. And we are honored and privileged to have their names and to bring them in prayer to You and we do now asking You to be everything to them they need today to Your own glory and their good. Please continue to protect our IDOK Troops, continue to care for Israel and bring them to the Land of Promise. Continue to be merciful to America and give us grace and space to repent. Protect and empower and give every provision to Christian Missionaries and work in us IDOKs today to make us real and humble servants to You, oh most Holy and The One and Only God, and in Jesus name we ask. Amen and amen. A SPECIFIC UNSPOKEN. Unspoken Requests – situations so close you can only speak to Father about. Amber Johns. Joe-Ann. McCarver Family. Vickie and Family. Brittany M and family. Dennis and Lisa J. Jack. Melanie and Jay M. Susanne M. Alice T. Elaine W and Family. Joni and Todd. Roy and Julee. Glenn R and his family. Holly. Donald 2. Ed G. Debra B. Jon E. Katie B. Brian. Donald 1. Loyce McM. DeLois. Mollie B. Marzelle. KC. Neolle T. Mary F. MH and J. Caleb and his family – Rob, Vaughn, Whitaker and Donoghue. Dora. Mattie. Jarrod. BETTY. Brenda and her family. Joshua A. Kim T and her parents. Martha McC. Tamra and Family. Rachel and family. Joe and Rose. Darlene’s Sister, Leona. Tammy B and Family. Jackie K. Brian T. Ricky M. Linda and Family. Joe. Michael H. Linda W. Debbie W. Natalie. Jacqueline and Sons (River and Jackson). Sandra. Dot B. Julia O. Ann C. Stan and Jowanna and Family Mary.. Susan D. Melissa and daughters. Jason A and his mother. Wayne B. Melinda H. Brennan and his family. Joshua. Mabel’s Aunt Lou. Heather and Brandon. Darlene and Torkel. W C and family. Maggie and Family. Katelyn (B) J Lloyd. Janet and Steve. Bay and family. Bill and Judy. Doug. Larry and Claudia and family. Callie. Ruth. Cynthia. Allyson and Glyn and family. Brittney and Kersten and family. Sheila and Andy. Carrie and Rachel and Jacob and family. Chuck. Helen and Dan and family. Jen and Larry and family. Mollie and family. Andrew and Daughters.

Shay and Emma’s Kids (orphanage in Zambia) Ministry

Every IDOK and every IDOK son and daughter and grandchild.

Every IDOK Pastor and Family. Every IDOK church.

The Peace of Israel.

Revival in America.

ABBA, I have removed the ‘posting’ for the Cleansing of America but I know the prayer is eternal with You.

IDOKs Military Families.

IDOKs Troops (foreign soil) – Ethan. Christopher. Raul. Robert. Billy. Buddy. Mark. Josh W. James. Bryan. Nick. Brant W. Christopher R. Joshua M. Brent. Justin G. Michael K. Bay N. T. Palin. Richard M. Bobby G. (added 12/16/08) Tommy T. Kyle N(3/09). Jessica D. (4/09) Sgt. Vince Barrientos (5/2009)

IDOK Troops leaving shortly for foreign soil: Brandon B.

Serving Stateside: Jonathan. Jasmine B. Shaun. Bay. Danny. Lee. George. Travis N. Hawk. Justin G. Tommy W.

Injured: Lukas S. (11/30/08)

Military at home, specifically those emotional-spirit wounds that only God and Time can heal Adam M. Captain Tran. Josh. John L. Drew.

As I post this it is 109°F and clear in Al Asad, IQ (Airport) and the time 4:03 PM AST on August 17, 2009.